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Tag: google-chrome,google-chrome-extension,spotify,google-chrome-app,spotify-app

I registered my app on Spotify. I made sure I had the URI added to my registered app. But still every time I run this code I keep getting the same error. I am also running this in the background so I know it's not that. What am I doing wrong?

Also I tried switching /spotify with /provider_cb.

Here are my permissions:

On the first time I run my app after restarting Chrome, the sign-in page pops up like everything is fine, but after I log in I still get the same error:

should be

getRedirectUrl will return a url with a / at the end. so your original code was resulting in:

How to set caret to newly added element in contentEditable element?


A simple solution if you don't absolutely need the top contenteditable element to be a p element, is to add a contenteditable div as parent of your p element. Enter will automatically add p elements. <script src=''></script> <div contentEditable=true><p>test</p></div> ..

Run a function from injected js

I presume that the issue is all about the context. You're right about it. The file 'temp-file.js' has been injected into host page, so it is now part of host page context. Extension can mess with it - since it is in different context. Run a function from injected..

Google reCAPTCHA fail for second time submit


Google reCAPTCHA gives this two function: I always use this in my all ajax powered forms. grecaptcha.getResponse() grecaptcha.reset(); For both of your problem use second function whenever you need in your java script code. Remember this works if you have only one captcha in your page. If you have more..

Chrome - Script tag isn't blocking


Scripts are executed in the order they appear in the HTML (unless you use the async or defer attributes). Browsers are perfectly welcome, however, to download them in any order they like, including in parallel, and including in parallel with other resources such as CSS files and images they find..

Document won't load into iframe with changed, but proper, name


Stumbled upon this link: After some modification of your script, i believe this could be the solution. Changing the instead of name alone seems to do the trick. function change_name() { var one = document.getElementById('frame1'); = '#'; console.log('The name is: ' +; console.log('The name of the..

Chrome Push Notifications: can't subscribe from sub-path


Use a slash before the name of the manifest file. The slash denotes that it is has to pick up the file from the root of the domain. <link href='/manifest.json'> ..

What is the name of the language in which the main program of Chromium is written?

Chromium is written in C++11. You can view the source on which includes a C++11 Style Guide: Chromium C++11 Style Guide in Git Chromium C++11 Style Guide in HTML ..

How to use a Web Inspector with emulated android device (AVD)


After much work, here's how to do it, for anyone trying to figure this out in the future.

Simple Chrome Extension : Open an url in a new tab

You're completely off-track. You don't want to open a (simple) new tab, you want to replace the 'New Tab page'. Daniel's answer correctly explains why your code does not work, but it won't do what you wanted. To replace Chrome's New Tab page, you need to use Override Pages: 'chrome_url_overrides'..

Access DOM elements data document->Iframe ->Iframe->method chrome extension


This was my solution after all, between what we talk over comments and my research over docs and other threads: Content script: (function () { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { contentBody = document.getElementById('contentBody'); contentBody.addEventListener('load', function () { rawContent = contentBody.contentDocument.getElementById('rawContent'); if (rawContent) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = chrome.extension.getURL('injected.js'); s.onload..

Can I fire up a Chrome extension API from code?


Spotify Google Chrome App Mac

So I'm answering my own question. I've managed to get it working using externally_connectables. The externally_connectable manifest property declares which extensions, apps, and web pages can connect to your extension via runtime.connect and runtime.sendMessage. 1. Declare app/webpage in manifest.json Just declare your web-app/page within your manifest.json as an externally_connectable. E.g..

Google Chrome - How to compile Google Chrome in Windows?

Spotify Google Chrome App


DONE. Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit. Visual Studio 2013 Community edition Step 1: C:>mkdir folder C:>cd folder C:>unzip C:folder>dir Directory of C:folder 18/04/2015 02:59 <DIR> depot_tools 0 File(s) 0 bytes 3 Dir(s) 67 387 064 320 bytes free Step 2: C:folderdepot_tools>git config --global 'John Doe' C:folderdepot_tools>git config --global '[email protected]' C:folderdepot_tools>git config..

1px white spacing in Chrome between div's


Pixel rounding. If your width generated is 1000px, each column should be generated at 333.33̅px. However, each browser/version handles decimal pixels differently unfortunately. Here's a handy guide: Shock horror that IE is the worst. If you run it in IE, make sure your window is 1001px wide and see..

Mismatched anonymous define() in Chrome extension content script


The docs for the error message state: Be sure to load all scripts that call define() via the RequireJS API. Do not manually code script tags in HTML to load scripts that have define() calls in them. As described in this question, it seems that if you use import in..

Looking for tool that prevent script to become unresponsive [on hold]


Firefox has an option Dom.max_script_run_time. I don't know if such a thing exists in Chrome, but I wouldn't bet on it. It's probably easiest just to run this script in FF.

woocommerce thumbnails have different image widths in chrome and mozilla


Having to override default styles is one of the reasons I hate Bootstrap.. image HTML has a width/height 180px180px.. but there is a conflict between parent container for image woocommerce-layout.css #single-product div.thumbnails a { width: 100%; } .woocommerce #content div.product div.thumbnails a, .woocommerce div.product div.thumbnails a, .woocommerce-page #content div.product div.thumbnails..

How do I change chromes Date-parsing / Sorting to match ff/ie Dateparsing?


The problem you are facing is most likely caused by the fact, that different browser (engines) implement different algorithms for sorting. The differences you experience are (at first glance) all focused on elements that have no difference (e.g. 0 returned from your sort-function) and thus have no deterministic sort-behavior described..

Rss is not working in Google Chrome usin PHP MYSQL


This is because chrome doesn't have an inbuilt RSS reader, you have to sue an extension.

Is there a way to set breakpoints for every js line in the chrome dev tools?


Once your code breaks, there's a button beside 'resume script execution' called 'step over next function call' or F10, which will resume step by step.

Character rendering is different (IE/Chrome)


Best app to download spotify playlist. This playlist downloader will start to process.Below the downloading blank, you could see several popular music sites, from which you can directly go the their official site and navigate to your favorite artist or music songs. 02 of 05Sidify Music Converter for Spotify Music DownloaderYou can download Spotify playlist music as MP3, AAC and WAV at 5X fast speed using Sidify Music Converter with lossless quality.Salient Features of Sidify Music Converter for Spotify:.Get Spotify music in MP3, AAC or WAV.Record the Spotify Music at 5X faster speed.Keep a lossless quality and all ID tags.Support batch conversion and compatible with Mac latest OS.Drawback:.Interface of Sidify Music Converter is not catchy at all.

When the font in use doesn't contain a character you want to display, the browser uses a fallback font which does. Now in this case, it turns out that IE and Chrome use different fonts to fall back to. Solution: use a font of which you are certain that it..

$.ajax.done works on Firefox but not in Chrome


The problem is when I was firing the ajax request. I was doing it in 'onchange' (of a input text with jQuery autocomplete) jQuery event. When I select an item of the list of autocomplete, the onchange() event is not raised in Chrome (yes in Firefox). So I fire the..

Bug in Chrome: render big box-shadow


You can emulate inset box-shadow using filters. Like this: HTML: <div> <div></div> </div> CSS: .shadow { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: #555; } .blurred { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; width: 60%; height: 60%;..

String replace with regex, ie strange results


You're misusing the compile method. Warning: The compile method is deprecated, you shouldn't use it. Create a new RegExp object instead. It's prototype reads: regexObj.compile(pattern, flags) So you have to pass it a new pattern that will replace the instance's pattern. Under IE, calling compile() yields the regex /(?:)/ which..

Why does chrome.tabs.create create 2 tabs?

The issue is that there are 2 'background' pages running. The official background page specified in the manifest file. The tab created by chrome.tabs.create({'url': chrome.extension.getURL('background.html')}). This means there are 2 message listeners, which is why 2 tabs are opening. The console messages from the official manifest.json background can be found..

How to make function in loop run synchronously?


One option would be to make your function(response) recursive. When it runs, call this same method again. Pass in some of your 'looping' variables, and just do an if check at the beginning. function AnotherGoRound(i,data) { if (i<data[i2].data.length) { console.log('SENDING: i=' + i + '; i2=' + i2); // Send..

How SCSS rule evaluation done by browser


Assuming the 'comment' you speak of literally begins with // in your source file, in which case it is not a proper CSS comment but simply garbage (as the forward slash is not part of a CSS identifier or any valid CSS selector syntax), this causes a parse error. The..

Chrome UDP sockets not receiving from remote machine


François Beaufort's now deleted answer provided a useful suggestion, sadly in a way that was more appropriate for a comment. I'm making this a community wiki so that he does not feel robbed of reputation. The HOST part indicates which interface you're listening on for data. Setting it to

for of loop querySelectorAll


The docs are correct, but I wouldn't call this a bug. Rather it's a 'not yet implemented feature'. There is no standard for this, and there is still active discussion on how the DOM should integrate with ES6. Notice that it is clear that querySelectorAll should return something iterable which..

Host my own chrome extension in my website

Basically, no, since Chrome 33 you can't have auto-updating extensions that are not Web Store hosted. As Teepeemm mentions, you don't have to be publicly visible on the Store catalog: you can publish as 'unlisted'..

Intern's pollUntil does not work with Chrome


false is considered a value by pollUntil. You need to return null or undefined if you want it to continue polling: return remote.get(newAddress) .then(pollUntil('return document.readyState'complete'||null;', [], 30000)) .takeScreenshot().then(function(data) { recordImage(newAddress, data); }) From the docs: The function should return null or undefined if there is not a result. If the..

Chrome Extension - How to execute a JS script on page load


I presume you have no problem getting a content script to run once on page load. I'm not going to help you with that.. You're going to have to have the content script send a message to the background script use chrome.alarms.create(string name, object alarmInfo) in the background script listen..

What does the double colon mean in Scope Local variables in Chrome's debugger?

Spotify chromebook download


It means that the property name is actually the string 'legend:'. You can tell by the syntax highlighting. For example: obj['legend:'] = 'value'; ..

“Tainted canvases may not be loaded” Cross domain issue with WebGL textures


are you setting the crossOrigin attribute on your img before requesting it? var img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; img.src = ''; It's working for me var img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; // COMMENT OUT TO SEE IT FAIL img.onload = uploadTex; img.src = ''; function uploadTex()..

CSS flexbox wraps content in FireFox (not Chrome)


Weird. button elements have some special behavior which seems to conflict with flexbox. Specifically, what happens is that the flex items are blockified, according to the spec: The display value of a flex item is blockified: if the specified display of an in-flow child of an element generating a flex..

Difference between Google Chrome and Canary

Yes, but make sure that you test the sites with Chrome first when you face a bug. I once had a strange behavior where chars were missing in the sites source and hours later I found out that it was a bug in Canary. I did this for a..

css tricks for font awesome in placeholder for chrome


Thanks @JDTLH9 for giving me a clue for the problem .actually you dont have to use inline style but in the previous design i was using {font-family:fontawesome}; but when i converted it to this : {font-family:Arial,fontawesome} it worked for me in the chrome..

Spotify google chrome app settings

Three.js + Chrome 43: Error creating WebGL context


I get the same thing for Chromium 43.0.2357.81 Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit), but Chrome 43 is fine. It seems to be a bug, here is an issue in Chromium bug tracker about it. Chromium developer says: We have no control over which Chromium revision Ubuntu decides to pull into their distribution..

HTML & CSS - Full Screen Image


I think you are asking about Parallax. Explore a bit on Parallax in Wiki and see some samples here..

Google Chrome Spotify App

$(this).val() not working in FireFox but works in Chrome


I found a work around that seems to work in Firefox. I change the type of input to number on focus giving me the proper keypad on mobile but then change the type back to text on blur giving me to two decimal places. See the code below.. $('input.drawer').on('blur', function(){..

How to force loading images for the webpages installed “lazy load” without scrolling?


Many of the lazy-load plugins stores the actual URL in the data-* section. When scrolling down, right before the image tag gets into view the data-* content is set on the src attribute to start loading the image. You can iterate through all the image tags like this to find..

What's the best way To edit CSS and JS of Html Template [closed]


Try Livereload, it works great for me with Chrome. You could also use workspaces and edit in browser.

chrome linkurl not returning proper url


The 'proper' URL is one of the parameters in the large URL, if you look closely - it's the 'url' parameter. There are libraries that will take care of parsing the URL parameters and decoding for you if you want to get the proper URL to which that larger one..

C# native host with Chrome Native Messaging


Assuming the manifest is set up properly, here is a complete example for talking to a C# host using the 'port' method: using System; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace NativeMessagingHost { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { JObject data; while ((data = Read()) != null)..

How to display red borders on required or invalid value input element in Chrome just like Firefox behaviour for HTML5 validation?


You use the :valid pseudo class. To shamelessly copy the code from input:invalid { background-color: #ffdddd; } form:invalid { border: 5px solid #ffdddd; } input:valid { background-color: #ddffdd; } form:valid { border: 5px solid #ddffdd; } input:required { border-color: #800000; border-width: 3px; } <form> <label>Enter a URL:</label> <input type='url'..

Text Align Center in Chrome (webkit)


The issue isn't with display: table-cell but the nature of the span element. Please note that the text-align property in CSS is used for aligning the inner content of block-level elements. The HTML span tag is an inline-level element. Hence, it doesn't apply by default to inline-level elements and therefore..

php redirection working in chorme but not on firefox


There are many apps available in the market but if you download Mod apps from TutuApp then you’ll get full security and full confidence to use this app. In the fully covered area where you’ll get many fake apps but if you choose Tutu App Apk for android then it will be really grateful for you.These features and security you get in only TutuApp For android some spreading news against Tutu App that it’s a Chinese app it hacks your phone. Panda helper spotify free app. Many app stores are available in the market but they are offering paid apps to users. So users are not getting satisfied with these apps so now you have to not worry about anything because the tutu app arrives in your life and it will be really beneficial for you and your future.If you’re a true lover of gaming and movies then you can go with TutuApp Apk for android some of the apps are not offering mod games or movies but TutuApp Apk is an all-rounder app which provides all the details. So the truth is its a normal app which offers you the latest mod apps and many more new things which allow you to download free of cost.

have you tried using header('location') function? example : <?php if (isset($_POST['putonline'])) { $query = 'UPDATE user SET status= '1' WHERE id= '$new_id'; $result = $cid-> query($query); if ($result TRUE) { header('location:EidEmp.php'); die(); } else { echo 'Failed'; } } ?> Edited : Maybe Change Your header function with javascript function..

“sort not a function” error in angularjs only in google chrome


Your response is not an Array. It could be an object with a property that contains the Array (e.g. or a string version of you array and then you will need to use JSON.parse and convert the string into an Array. Anyway, sort is on Array's prototype - that..

You can play Spotify directly from your TV, or by using your phone, tablet, or desktop as a remote.

To see if your TV supports the Spotify app, go to the app store on your TV and search for Spotify. If your TV isn't listed, you can upgrade it with a soundbar or streamer that supports Spotify Connect.

For more info on the types of devices Spotify is available on, check out Spotify Everywhere.

Get started

  1. Download Spotify from your TV app store.
  2. Log in one of these three ways to play:
    • With Spotify Connect.
    • With your Spotify email address and password.
      Note: If you usually log in with Facebook, use Spotify Connect to log in instead.
    • With a PIN. Select LOG IN WITH PIN. Then, on your phone or computer, go to and enter the pin you see on your screen.

You can listen to Spotify on your TV by using the Spotify app on your phone as a remote.

For more information, check out Spotify Connect.

4th Generation and onward

You can download the Spotify app directly from the App Store on your Apple TV.

To use your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad as a remote with your Apple TV, check out Spotify Connect.

1st-3rd Generation

With AirPlay, you can use your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or Mac to play Spotify on an Apple TV, AirPlay compatible speaker, or another Mac.

Freemium 1 Shazam is an excellent app with which you can find the name of any song. The popular website Pandora transitioned to an app for both Android and iOS products. Download the app, 'watch it' (Let it cache), and play it on your drive without any WIFI/Data! I have found a few YouTube music videos by smaller creators not on Spotify. This removes that issue! IOS constantly removes these type of apps as they harm their apple music subscriptions, and the app is basically non-existent on the Google Play Store. Before going to Offline Mode, you need to download Spotify music, playlist or podcast so that it is available without internet connection. You can open the music or playlist you want to download, then switch on Download button at the top right of any song or playlist. Step 2 Set Spotify Offline Mode. Download Apps: Android, iOS. I am starting this list of apps like Spotify from a popular app.

Spotify Google Chrome App Chrome

Google Chromecast lets you play Spotify from your phone, tablet, desktop, or web browser to a TV.

For help setting up, visit the Google Chromecast support site.

To use your phone or tablet as a remote with your Chromecast device, check out Spotify Connect.

Listen as you game, or simply play Spotify on your TV with your PlayStation 3™, PlayStation 4™, Xbox One, or Nvidia Shield.

Need help?

Make sure your Spotify and your devices’ software are up-to-date. If you don't know, check with your devices’ manufacturers for how to update the version software.

If you're having trouble, check out I can't play Spotify on my TV.

Check out other articles on our support site for help with your Spotify account, payments, listening offline, or if you can’t play music.